Is Katapult Pro an app I need to download?
Katapult Pro is a web application that you can access on any desktop or mobile device. Google Chrome is required for desktop and Android device usage, but iOS users can access Katapult Pro via Safari.
How accurate are Katapult Pro height measurements?
Katapult Pro height measurements are more than 99% accurate up to 50’ when using our standard height stick. For more information, read our in-depth analysis here.
How accurate are Katapult Pro pole locations?
Typical workflows using aerial imagery locate poles within one meter, but you can use a high-end GPS connected to your mobile device to place nodes with sub-meter accuracy.
What other software platforms can Katapult Pro integrate with?
Katapult Pro provides comprehensive exports such as Photos, Excel Docs, and Google Earth KMZs. We can also export shapefiles to ArcGIS, QGIS, and many others. Some exports will require custom support and configuration.
Does Katapult Pro do Pole Loading Analysis?
Katapult Pro exports cleanly to SPIDACalc, O-Calc Pro, and PoleForeman, and fully-integrated, real-time Katapult Pro Loading Analysis is available to all users.
Can I use any camera with Katapult Pro?
No. To achieve the highest level of accuracy, we calibrate every camera and lens. View our calibrated camera list here.
Do I need a specific height stick?
We highly recommend you purchase a custom-labeled stick from Katapult. You technically can apply targets to a height stick that you have, but precision is of the utmost importance. Contact for more information.