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Katapult Pro Data Collection

You put in the work

to collect great data

Your team members spend hours in the field, bushwhacking through the woods and braving extreme conditions. It’s tough work, but your carefully collected data is the foundation for quality engineering decisions.

But the process

is flawed.

Applicants push for faster permits, pole owners try to guard against unsafe shortcuts, and incumbents desperately cling to their market share. This tension makes the world of pole attachments feel like a zero-sum game.
But it doesn’t have to be.


Real-time Cloud Database

Work together in a dataset that always represents one version of truth. Share projects with partners and clients with the click of a button. View and make changes in real-time from anywhere.


GIS Map Base

Tie design elements to their true geolocations. Tie photos and engineering data to the map–all automatically.


Measurable Photos

Capture existing and proposed conditions to the real pole and attachments in question. Host virtual rideouts and disputes to discuss defensible data. Measurements up to 50’ with 3” total error (¼” MR error).


Default Workflow

Leverage decades of experience to hit the ground running on day one. Utilize common design elements, workflows, QC steps, and deliverables to produce immediate value while building out your custom services and offerings.


Editable Models

Endless customization of attributes, map styles, deliverables, and workflows to go above and beyond for your clients and partners. Tweak your setup to serve new customers.


Custom Attributes

Quickly add new data types, picklists, tables, and more to populate photo and map data.


Configurable QC

Check your work at the click of a button and build workflows that allow your people to quickly fill in the gaps or fix mistakes.


Out-of-the-box and Custom Deliverables

Provide web, photo, map, and spreadsheet deliverables at the click of a button. Or, work with our team to create an automated legacy download, such as a pole profile sheet.

You can change the game.

Data Collection

Collect better pole data safer and faster than ever.

Make Ready

Train new staff to design better solutions for your current and future customers.

Joint Use Management

Manage applications, build trust, and get your timelines back on track.

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Ready to get started?

This is the space to introduce the Services section. Briefly describe the types of services offered.

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