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3 Ways to Future-Proof Your Services Portfolio

Writer's picture: Jess CarrollJess Carroll

As far as we can tell, the broadband boom will continue for the next few years. As States allocate public dollars and ISPs continue aggressive buildouts, vendors supporting OSP design will continue to have a flood of available work.

But as we know, bubbles always pop.

While we work hard to serve the current explosive broadband needs, we also want to keep an eye on what will come next. If you work primarily in the OSP design and pole attachments space, here are three critical ways you can begin to shift and expand your work into adjacent, lasting markets:

#1 From New Build to Maintenance 

Even when new electrical distribution or telecom builds are paused, there is always work to be done to maintain the reliability of our utility grid. When it comes to data collection and engineering design, maintenance projects include:

  • Post-construction inspections

  • Pole inspections and restoration

  • Storm response

  • Double wood resolution

  • Attachment audits

Focusing on only the new forces you to rely on aggressive spending. Leaning into long-term reliability and asset maintenance as well sets your team up to thrive even when funding dries up. 

#2 From Structural Design to Logical Design

The pole attachments process focuses on structures. Where are the poles? What is on them? What is being added? What materials need to be brought along in the truck to build it correctly and safely?

But the flow of electricity and data throughout our grid is critical, and a major focus for stakeholders. The real-time nature of SCADA systems lends itself well to dashboarding and rapid deployment to resolve connectivity or reliability issues. Telecommunications providers have similar concerns around load balancing, fault tolerance, and bandwidth allocation.

As we find new ways to address not just the structural but also the logical concerns of reliable utilities, we can diversify in ways less dependent on new broadband spending.

#3 From Working IN The Project to Working ON The Project

Buckle up, because this one is a bit meta. 

A lot of the time, we focus on “in the workflow” issues. There’s so much work to do, so much calling for our attention and our skills. This project is due on this date. This pole requires a permit. This QA/QC needs to be resolved by Friday. 

But the freedom to focus “on the workflow” results in compounding returns. When you get iterate on improvements to training, feedback, deployment, communication, and strategy, the benefits are immeasurable. 

You can provide lower prices and win new work. 

You deliver work ahead of time and more work comes to you. 

You’re asked to consult or pilot new projects. 

You have time to invest in your talented staff. 

Changing focus isn’t easy. There’s a reason organizational change gets compared to turning an oil tanker. However, the ability to shift focus—see what’s coming, anticipate new needs, make adjustments—that level of flexibility keeps ships afloat and teams thriving, even when bubbles pop.

We’re excited to make these shifts alongside you in the coming years and to serve you however we can. If you have questions about how to use Katapult Pro in new and different ways, reach out to or grab a meeting with our consulting team here.

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