The Admin Page can only be accessed by a user set up as a company admin. From the admin page, you can add or edit users and add licenses to your account.
If you are a company admin, you can go to the App Tray at the top right of the page and select “Admin.” This will take you to in another tab.
On the left hand side of the page you will see your used/total license count next to "Write Licenses." If you click on the pencil icon to the right, it will open up a menu below to add licenses. Use the arrows to the right of the text box or enter your desired number of licenses to add. When the amount is correct, click the blue "Add # Licenses" button at the bottom of the menu. The software will ask you if you are sure, and if you are, click the “Add Licenses” button in the confirmation window. (Otherwise, click "Cancel.")
*When removing licenses, see the note under the "Add Licenses" button. Make sure only the amount of licenses you want to keep are in use. Licenses are in use when users have "Write" permissions. For example, if you have 7 write users but want only 5 licenses, you will need to revoke "Write" permissions from 2 users. (We explore editing permissions later on in this manual.)
If you have a long list of users in your company, you can use the quick search menu at the top of the page to quickly search for a specific user.
Moving from left to right in the menu at the top in the toolbar, the first icon is for exporting user data. This "Export User Data" button will download a spreadsheet of users' name (if they updated their contact info on their user), their email, date they were last active, permissions, UID, and more.
If you need to add another user to your company, click the “Create User” button next to the "Export User Data" button.
When you click “Create User,” the window to add the user will appear in the middle of the page. Use this window to enter the user’s email address you want to add, and then set the proper permissions for that user.
*If you don't want any headaches, make sure the email you enter is active. This email will be used to send instructions for finishing up the account's setup.
You can have unlimited read-only users, but you can only set the number of write permissions based on the number of licenses your company has.
You can also be a Company Admin without having write permission. Once you have the proper permissions set, click the “Create” button in the window.
This will add the user to the email list. You can quickly see at the right if the user has write access or is a company admin because the appropriate box(es) will be checked.
*If you want to hide emails and instead show first and last names in you Admin Dashboard, reach out to to have this configured.
If you click on a user, the window to edit that user's permissions and other options will pop up on the right-hand side of the page. Here you can control if that user should have write permission or a company admin permissions. These toggles can be adjusted anytime.
The “Other Permissions…” button will open up the user’s permissions for access to certain features.
You’ll be able to toggle the model editor read permission, which allows the user access to see the job model when turned on, as well as the model editor write permission, which allows a user to edit the job model when turned on.
The API access, when turned on, will give the user the ability to generate an API key from the Home page. Check out our API documentation for more info.
The Mobile Assessments Workflow permission, when toggled on, will limit the user's access to only the Maps page, whether they're on the mobile version or the desktop version. They will also be limited to using only mobile assessment tools and a few mobile only tools such as Navigation, Find Me, Sync Photo, and Edit Item tools.
There is a Job Unlocking Permission. When turned off, it will lock any job with a checked attribute "Job Locked" for that user who does not have Job Unlocking Permissions. You can create the "Job Locked" attribute in the Model Editor of the job's model as a checkbox attribute so it can be added to jobs that use that model.
*If you have more questions about this job locking feature or would like to use it, reach out to
There is also an option to send a reset password link to the user if the individual has forgotten their password.
To do this, click the clock icon, and a reset user password window will appear. In the window, click “Send Reset Link” to have a link sent to the user.
After making any changes to the user, go to the bottom of that User Info panel and select “Okay.” If you click “Delete,” the user will be deleted from the company in Katapult Pro. If you delete a user that collected in the field, this could affect time buckets and, consequentially, photo association.
*Again, only users set to Company Admin can access this page. Also, if you need to upgrade to site licenses or add modules contact
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