PPL Electric Utilities Case Study
In 2012, PPL Electric Utilities put out a bid for their Joint Use Data Collection Services contract. Katapult Engineering won the bid and began using their photogrammetry methodology to complete the work necessary to approve applications submitted to PPL for attachments. Katapult's unique Photoform in its early stages contained all information related to the attachments on each pole submitted to PPL for review. As part of the work for collecting the data, Katapult built a front-end to interface with the attaching companies directly enabling them to submit their applications online and see their application completed using Katapult's data to then move forward in the process of accessing make-ready and pole loading. Katapult has transformed the Joint Use Department at PPL by creating tools to manage the data collected and to communicate well amongst all parties across the board. Streamlining a once tedious and frustrating process down to an easy step by step workflow has not only saved the utility time and money and valuable resources, but they have also increased the number of applications based on the ease of applying for PPL poles to attach to. For more information on the applications and Katapult methodology used to manage PPL's Pole Attachment Services, please contact us.