The September release of Katapult Pro is now live at Check out our release highlights below, or read the full release notes when you sign in.
NEW - Job Explorer

The Job Explorer is a file explorer for organizing and performing bulk actions to your jobs. Common uses are to rename jobs and edit job metadata for reporting.
NEW - Cross-Server Identity
As this feature rolls out to Private Server admins across the platform in the coming week, users will now be able to use the same login across any server they are working in. Admins will have better visibility to which users have access to different servers and workflows.
Performance Increase - Katapult Pro now requires less resources from your local device, allowing a faster, lighter application experience.
Overlapping Applications Queue - the Application Management portal now generates a preview menu in App View to better manage applications containing overlapping work, such as two active applications containing the same pole(s).
Upgraded DDS Data Share - Now warns users about unknown cable types, includes ownerName field, and can include measured elevation.
Integrated Pole Loading - Users can now set their desired wind resolution between 1 and 45 degrees in the Model Editor.
Toggle Decimals - Users can now toggle decimals for height markers from the Map page
Various Bug Fixes - including updates/performance enhancements to PLA exports, photo uploads, Map Prints, and the Photo Input Editor.
Thanks for reading! If you have questions or want to know more about this month's release, reach out to To learn more about Katapult Pro, contact Mike Lintal at!