January is fast approaching, which means that the release of Katapult Pro Version 3.0 is right around the corner! This new code has been in development for 11 months, and our Coding Team is excited to push these features and improvements to our users across the country. Here are a few of our favorite things about Version 3.0 that we can't wait for users to get their hands on:
1. Make Ready Tool
There was a point this year when we needed to do some very high volumes of make ready engineering, and needed to get our whole team up to speed as quickly as possible.
The only solution to these ridiculous volumes was to rethink the way we were calling make ready. The nuance and subtlety associated with make ready engineering requires both experience, creativity, and an excellent understanding of the local/national electric standards.
We needed a way to make MRE accessible for everyone on the team, even those who are newer to the industry. Katapult Pro was designed to lower the barrier for data collection, processing, delivery, and loading, so why not use the same strategy with our Make Ready Tool?
In our new Model Editor, users can set rules for each type of wire and the distance it needs to be from other wires or equipment on the pole. Any violations to these set rules will flag the item in your photos, and make ready calls can then be made with a simple click and drag. Check out our training video here.

2. New Upload with Machine Learning
The first two versions of our upload tool focused on simplicity and structure, respectively. Our new uploader is a union of the two, which will minimize user error and make sure photos all get to the right job.

The new upload tool also utilizes machine learning to identify sync photos, and in the future will be able to classify many more types of photos. The upload tool will be linked closely to the Dashboard, a helpful interface to manage and access your active uploads and job photos.
Check out the new training video here.
3. Performance Improvements
Version 3.0 will bring speed and process improvements across the board. As the platform grows, we've had to tweak our data management strategies to make sure the interface stays quick and light--even when users are working on large jobs.
Between the design, photos, height labels and more, large jobs hold an immense amount of data. By loading this data in a more intelligent way, Katapult Pro v3.0 has become a lighter, faster, more user-friendly interface.

You can get a sneak peek of more new features and the new UI by watching our training videos here.