As we come to a close in 2022, we want to start the new year with an overview of some exciting changes to Katapult Pro. This new, 6.0 release is currently available at (or if you’re on a private server, at your private server’s “next” URL). It will be more broadly released later this month.
Map Updates
Move anchors with ease using the precision move anchor feature
For the pole filter list on the Maps page, use custom filtering logic to find what you need
Leverage the “pdga” shortcut to place proposed down guys and anchors
Use Make Ready Alternate Designs to edit, view, and store alternate make ready designs on poles
Map Styles Updates
Save a Default Map Styles per job model
Use custom logic for Map Styles in the Map Styles Editor
Map Prints Updates
Choose a different map style for your Map Print than the style used for your map
Do more styling with annotations, including editing leaders’ color, size, and shape
See more options for seeding annotations, including custom filtering for seeding them
Learn more about our Map Prints updates in our Saved Views and Map Prints manual.
Model Editor Updates
Create custom line styles to be used in the Map Styles Editor
Create your own quality control with our configurable QC feature
Create routines with the Photo Input Editor for automatic marker and photo tag creation
Learn more about our Model Editor updates in our Model Editor manual.
New! Logic Editor
Create your own custom logic using the Logic Editor, which is found in features such as the new configurable QC feature and the Map Styles Editor
Thanks for reading! If you run into any issues or have questions, contact us at