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Announcing Katapult Pro Version 3.0

Adam Schmehl

I am thrilled to announce that Katapult Pro v3.0 will be released in January 2019! The Katapult Coding Team has been working tirelessly to develop a new and improved user interface for our clients across the country, as well as our internal Processing Team.

Version 3.0 will include features that have been in development since the beginning of the year, along with newer UI updates that were developed in October.

Katapult Pro v3.0 will be accompanied by the release of Katapult Training, an online platform of training modules that will allow users to learn more about Katapult Pro's functionality as well as workflows that will improve team's efficiency. Over the course of December, we'll roll out training videos to help users get acquainted with the new interface, and we'll also share some of our favorite new features that v3.0 will bring to you and your team.

Here's the first module of our new training platform: the Katapult Method. Thanks for watching!

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