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Katapult Pro Download Manager Manual

Zachary Carlson

Updated: Jan 7


The download manager serves as a one-stop-shop to generate your deliverables.

The Download Manager can be found at the top left of the page, to the right of the Job Name.

The deliverables are divided into four categories; Photos, 3D Models (PLA exports), Maps, and Data. You can use the drop down arrow to the right of the category to expand the various options.


Within the Photos, you will see four options in generating photos for your job. The Photo Form is the high quality PDF that you are able to customize with colors, attributes, and logos using the Model Editor.

*Refer to the Model Editor Manual for further instruction on generating the Photo Form PDF.

If you select Photo Form, you will have the option to select the node type for photos and which template to use (in case you have multiple templates created). If you click the "+" icon to the right of the "Node Types to Export," you can add another node type to export that type of node's photos as well. Additionally, you can choose more photo types (which are the different photo classifications like "hallway" and "tag") to export in the Photo Form PDF.

If you check the "Include All Photos" checkbox, that "Additional Photo Types to Export" section will disappear, and you'll select the Photo Form Template to be used with all the photo types.

You also have the options to change the photo resolution, include your midspan section photos, include authenticated links, and/or download the export as JPG file(s) instead of a PDF file.

If you select "All Job Photos" from the four photo options, you will be able to select and deselect the photos based on classifications. This will download a JPG file for each photo.

"Legacy" photos is an option that generates JPG files for the pole and midspan. You also have options to include height lines (the yellow line extending from the height stick) and Make Ready Comments in the photos. Like the name suggests, this is an older style deliverable that has now mostly been replaced by using the Photo Form PDF.

The final option is Annotated Make Ready Photos. With this option, you will generate the main photo for each pole in Make Ready View. You will be able to see all moves called out on the pole. You will have the option to include the Midspans as well in this view.

3D Models (PLA)

If your company has access to external pole loading exports, when you select the 3D Models dropdown, you will see your download options. (In the screenshot above, only the SPIDACalc JSON option is a valid option, as the others are grayed out.) Currently Katapult Pro integrates with Pole Foreman, O-Calc Pro, SPIDACalc, and GSI DDS.

When you select the box for your PLA software, you will see valid options (that are not grayed out) depending on which software you are integrating with. Here, the job we're exporting has a job model set for SPIDACalc, so the appropriate client file can be chosen, along with which layers to include, which version you're using, and a checkbox for the option of snapping attachment and cable heights to the nearest inch.

Here, with PoleForeman selected for export, you can choose whether or not you want to use proposed heights and whether or not you want to export any references. You'll also notice a note about which versions of PoleForeman you can expect this exported data to work with.

Because all the work was put in ahead of time directly on top of the photo during cable tracing and Make Ready, PLA should mostly be a one-click operation.

*The only fixes usually done with this type of export are with pole loading failures where pole replacements are needed or extra guying is needed. However, any changes made in the external PLA software should also be made in Katapult Pro, so that Katapult Pro contains the most-up to-date data, which will be used in all other deliverables.

If you need to update specs or bearings, you can either do so in the PLA software then update Katapult Pro, or you can close out the file, and go into the pole photo and make the change and re-download the PLA file.

*Feel free to add any PLA attributes needed to the node info section of the pole, such as loading result or loading percentage, using the Model Editor.


As the name suggests, the Maps section will deal with anything concerning your job design. Here, you can see the listed options for map deliverables. Just like the other categories, as you select or check the box of a map deliverable, you will have other options based on the selection. The only map deliverable that does not show up under the Maps section in the download manager is the Map Print, which is detailed in our Saved Views and Map Prints Manual.


You can use your Spreadsheet Export or PDF Form Export dropdown to generate your needed data deliverables. You can also download a Job JSON if needed to parse out any needed data from the job.

Under the PDF Form Exports is where you can find our "PLA Details," which is the Integrated Pole Loading PDF Report of all poles in the job.

*The data exports can include notifications, basic spreadsheets, application sheets, and pole profile sheets. Reach out to if you would like anything like this automated for your market.

*If your download hangs for too long, you could be experiencing a download error. Ensure that your node identifiers (such as SCID) don't use any of the following special characters: < > ? | : " * $ # [ ] \.


You can download multiple exports at once. Just check all needed exports from the download manager, and the files will be downloaded to a zipped folder for the job.

If you run into errors while downloading the exports, always try to run the “Fix Map Errors” button (unless you have a job with underground connections, which will be deleted by the button if they're found to be faulty). This button is typically found in your Office Power Tools toolset. Once you run that button, try the download again. If the problem still persists, you can email for further assistance.

The Download Manager runs exports for the entire Job. If you need to download anything for a single pole, you can go into the node info for that pole and download all the same exports.

Use the three dot menu from the Node Info panel (the panel is opened by clicking twice on the node), and then select “Download Pole Data.” The same Download Manager menu will appear, but this time it will download the export for the selected pole only.

When you select your appropriate export, click the “Download” button in the bottom right of the download manager to actually start the download. To exit out of the window, click “Cancel.”

Thanks for reading! Reach out to for any further questions. How can we improve our documentation? Please leave a comment below!

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