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Katapult Pro Saved Views and Map Prints Manual

Zachary Carlson

Updated: Jul 2, 2024


Saved Views are specific views of the map that you can save and turn on later. It's a snapshot of your current view settings, which are defined in the Map Layers button at the bottom left corner of the screen. You can create your own Saved Views of the map to use as a map base, and you can use that view when downloading a Map Print PDF.

*If you are trying to create a Map Print, you should always create a Saved View first.

Saved Views

Before you get into actually creating a Saved View, let’s first take a look at ways to change up the view of the map and to manipulate the view settings. You can then use templates or current views to create the Saved View.

You can go into the Legend dropdown of the Map Layers and turn off icons, connections, or nodes you do not want to see in your saved view.

For example, if you wanted to only include aerial, you can uncheck your reference connections to “remove” them from being displayed. (Those reference connections still exist, they're just hidden from view.)

As you uncheck the various connection colors or icons from the Legend, those unchecked will be removed from the display on the map. Keep unchecking, until you have your desired colors and icons displaying.

You can then go under the Map Base dropdown in the Map Layers and select what imagery base you want to use.

Saved Views can be found under the Map Layers button located at the bottom left of Katapult Maps. If you click on the drop down arrow, you will see an option to “Manage Saved Views” (which may be at the bottom if you already have some Saved Views).

Once you click “Manage Saved Views,” the "MANAGE SAVED VIEWS" window will appear in the middle of the page. Here, you can click “New Saved View” to create a saved view.

You will have the choice to use the current view of the map or load from an existing template you have created already.

If you are creating a new view, click the “Use Current View” option.

In the menu, you can add a View Name (a name for the view), and select various options.

The "Update with Current View" will overwrite the Saved View with the view settings of your current view of the Map. So if you make changes to the map view and then want to save those changes, you would go to the "Manage Saved Views," click on the Saved View you want to update, and click "Update with Current View."

Once you have your desired options, click “Save.”

You will now see your saved view option to turn on under the "Saved Views" dropdown in Map Layers.

*Even if you turn the connections and other icons back on in the Legend, when you click on that Saved View option, it will automatically reset the map back to the options you had set for your saved view.

If you want to create a Saved View from a template, you'll have to create a template first. To create a template, first create a Saved View, just as we showed you previously. Then, in the "MANAGE SAVED VIEWS" window, click the three-dot menu next to the Saved View you want to save as a template, and click "Save As Template." You'll be prompted to name the template created from this Saved View. You can manage Saved View Templates in the Model Editor, where you can rename them, duplicate them, or delete them. These templates can be used to quickly create other Saved Views.

You'll also notice you have two other options in this three-dot menu. You can set the Saved View as the default for the job, so that that job will always open in that Saved View. You can also delete the Saved View.

Now that you have a Saved View, you can use that view to create a Map Print PDF.

Map Prints

To start a Map Print, first toggle the map print mode 'on' up at the top of the page. When you turn on Map Print Mode, the Print Tools window will appear at the right of the page. Use the "Choose Map Print Config" dropdown to choose an existing configuration or click “Create New” from the dropdown to start a new template.

If you start a new template, you can fill in the configuration name you want to use, and you can use an existing template as a foundation. If you want to simply start from scratch, leave that "Choose From Template" picklist blank, and select “Create.”

After you click “Create,” the Print Tools menu will populate with all the Map Print options. You can scroll through to see the various options you can edit for the Map Print deliverable.

In the Document Settings, you’ll have the option to choose a portrait or landscape layout, as well as the height and width of the Map Print.

In the Map Settings, you can set the map scale to use by clicking on the dropdown and using prescribed options, or create a custom scale by clicking the "CUSTOM SCALE" option in the dropdown. You can also change the scale of the icon sizes. Once you have your scale set, you can click “Insert Map Page” to add pages directly to the map. (The checkbox next to the black cursor allows you to toggle the visibility of the Map Pages. The black cursor can be toggled to turn on and off the selectability of the Map Pages.)

When you click the "Insert Map Page" button, your cursor will turn into a shadowed-out dropper. You can use this to click and place a map page.

Keep clicking to add as many pages as necessary. As you're inserting Map Pages, you can click 'on' the cursor icon next to the the visibility checkbox (mentioned earlier) to click, drag, and position the pages. Once you're done inserting Map Pages, you can hit "Esc" on your keyboard to exit the Insert Map Page mode. Then you can double-click on the pages to change the page number or delete the Map Page.

*If you change the Map Scale after inserting the Map Pages, the size of the Map Pages will update according to the new scale.

Next, in the Map Layer Settings, you can choose the correct Saved View to use for the Map Print, as well as a Map Styles to apply to the Map Print.

*If at any point you want to see a preview of what the Map Print will look like, click the "Preview" button in the blue header of the Map Print's "PRINT TOOLS."

The Title Block Settings allows you to add fields such as the page number, the job name, and the date in the title of the Map Prints next to the legend. Click the checkbox for “Include Labels” if you want to include the label for the fields added. (For example, the "Page No" field added to the Map Print PDF page will have a "Page No: 1 of 2" instead of simply having "1 of 2" if "Include Labels" is checked.) Define how much padding you want in between each field (how much space you want between each field).

You also have the option to edit the Map Print’s legend as far as what should and shouldn’t be included in the legend displayed towards the bottom of the Map Print PDF, as well as the option to edit the naming convention of those styles as they should appear in the legend.

You can use the Paper Space Settings to customize the appearance of the deliverable document. Choose your primary and secondary colors and add a logo if needed. (If you need to manage your logo, you can upload it as a file under the "Files" section on your job model via the Model Editor.)

Additional Settings allows you to include Node Info in the Map Print as well as an Overview Sheet. The Node Info will be a separate page from the Map Page that follows each Map Page that it corresponds to. The Overview Sheet will be the first page, showing the view of all the Map Pages.

Under Annotation Style Settings, you can define the shape of an annotation and change various color options, as well as text size, the width of the outline, and whether a leader should have an arrow endpoint or not.

If you want to insert an annotation, click “Insert Annotation.” Then, just like with placing pages, you can use the dropper to add the annotation and move it by clicking and dragging (if the selectability cursor is turned on).

When you place the annotation, the window to edit that annotation will appear at the top left of the page. (If you want to open it again later, double-click on the annotation.) You can enter text on the text line, and edit the annotation using the options at the top.

The arrow to the far left (the first icon) will add a lead line coming from the annotation box. You can reposition this leader, move its breakpoints, and add an arrow endpoint.

There is also a window that pops up at the bottom of the screen that allows you to edit the leader: you can toggle the arrow endpoint on the leader and remove the leader in this "EDIT ANNOTATION LEADER" window. Click "Done" when you are done editing the leader.

Looking back at the six annotation options, you can use the rotate option (the second icon next to the arrow icon for annotation leaders) to rotate the annotation on the map. The middle icon, the double T’s, will adjust the font size within the annotation.

The color square next to the double T's icon will adjust all things color-related (see below), while the square with internal dotted lines to the right of that will edit the width of the annotation's outline.

You can click on the top categories to adjust color for the text, background, or border (outline). Whichever option you are editing will have a blue line under it. For example, the text option would currently be selected in the above image, and it would appear orange.

*Fun fact: changing the 'a' value to the right will change the opacity of the color.

If you need to delete the annotation, you can click the trash can icon found at the far right of the annotation's options menu.

Once your annotation styles are set in Annotation Style Settings, you have the option to seed, or insert, all annotations in the job with those settings. You can define what attributes you want to appear at node locations using the “Add annotation” dropdown next to "Attribute Annotations." Computed Annotations use the Logic Editor to compute annotations. Reach out to if you have more questions or would like to use this feature.

The gear icon next to the listed attributes allows you to further filter which nodes get annotations for that attribute by using custom logic, as well as potentially additional options. (For example, the Pole Tag attribute has a checkbox option to "Hide Company names.")

*Read more about custom logic in our Logic Editor Manual.

You can also set if you want to include annotations for span distances by checking the box. If you click “Seed Annotations…,” the annotations will automatically be placed on the map.

If you click "Seed Annotations..." after already seeding annotations, the software will give you options for which aspect(s) of the annotations to overwrite, such as the annotation's position, style (as defined in the "ANNOTATION STYLE SETTINGS"), and text. Clicking “Clear Annotations…” will ask you to confirm that you want to clear all your annotations.

If you return to the top of the Print Tools window, you can edit the print configuration's name by clicking the gear icon next to the Map Print template name.

By clicking that gear, you open the Map Print Config Settings, where you can delete the configuration from the job, or save it as a template to use for future print deliverables. When you "Save as Template...," you can save it as a new template or overwrite an existing template. This template is then accessible in the Model Editor for renaming it, copying it, or deleting it.

You can also click the “Preview” button on the Print Tools window to see the first page of the map print.

If you need to make changes, feel free to click “Close” at the bottom right, and return to the Print Tools window to make necessary edits. If the preview looks good, you can click “Download Full PDF” to generate the PDF for the job.

Once you have this set, you can also toggle on or off the Print Mode for this job using the printer icon at the top of the page.

Thanks for reading! If you have any questions, reach out to How can we improve our documentation? Let us know in the comments below!

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